Monday, 9 March 2015

The day after..

Well, today was far from fun, considering I never got a visit from the Sandman last night. It's very rare that I wont sleep at all, I may have trouble falling asleep or go through phases where I wake too early, but not an all-nighter! Geesh! Usually, at least one of my sleep tactics that I pull out of the proverbial "hat" will get me drifting off, but not last night. I tried some sleepy tea which didn't work, so I had another cup.. nothing. Then I tried a homeopathic remedy that often works; I took Arsenicum Album (great for restlessness and anxiety) nothing happened. After a few hours, I tried Coffea Cruda, another homeopathic remedy that can be wonderful for an overactive mind when one cannot sleep due to that. But not for me, at least not last night. Neither remedy worked this time, I guess they just weren't what my body needed at the time.

On the bright side, I did something productive last night, something I had never really thought of doing- I started this blog. I follow many bloggers and vloggers who share the same interests as me, but never thought of having my own blog or vlog, but here I am! Today, I really wanted to post an outfit of the day or something fun (if I could figure out how), because I recently scored some amazing finds at great prices at Old Navy! I was able to pick up quite a bit since the prices were so reasonable plus they had an additional 30% off (which is very common, just check their website for discount codes.)  You might not think of Old Navy for very fashionable finds, but they really have some nice styles right now, simple, but on trend. I got a couple pairs of boyfriend jeans in different washes and a ton of stylish but super-casual loose fitting, stylin' tops! I'm really happy with everything and hope to share some of my finds.

Well, tonight is a night to relax for sure. I kind of want to stay up and watch one of my guilty pleasures- The Bachelor... I mean I have to know who Chris picks, right!?  And, after that, I'm hopeful that I'll have a great nights sleep and look forward to finding something, hopefully fun, to blog about tomorrow!

OH! Here's a pair of boots from Old Navy the other day, they were on sale for around $15, but sadly they didn't fit.

Night all! xo

P.S. If anyone is interested in the all natural homeopathic sleep/anxiety remedies I mentioned, here are some links: if anyone wants to try them. I get them on, where shipping is as low as $2 and sometimes free, even to Canada!! The two remedies I mentioned will work for most people for insomnia and anxiety also, they can also be found at many health food stores. (my insomnia is extremely long-standing and quite complicated.)  These are affiliate links: If you use either of these links you will receive $5-$10 off your order if you are a new customer. Of course, you can always go to and not use the links below...

*Link to "Arsenicum Album"

*Link to "Coffea Cruda"

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